Stop Asking Yourself <em>Why</em>: 4 Steps to Get Unstuck
With only two months left in 2020, COVID-19 continues to loiter and cause havoc. In parts of the country, the invisible and dangerous virus is lurking and is either threatening or resurging. Globally, over one million people have died, as a result of the pandemic.
But you know-- You are still alive! You have a choice not just to live but to thrive.
Your current prospect of thriving may look differently for you than it appeared in 2019. Nonetheless, the truth is that flourishing today can be better for you than you ever imagined.
I firmly believe in the cliche, things happen for a reason, but don’t bother to ask why. Trying to figure out why will waste your time and take you down a rabbit hole. Eventually, you will figure out why your life changed.
For now, the goal is to retrain your brain to begin ask What?
In March, the epidemic abruptly put your life on hold, as was the rest of the country and parts of the world.
You may be waiting for the pandemic to end to restart your engine, but I am telling you, (finger wagging) don’t do that! I have read countless stories of businesses that evolved as a direct result of the pandemic.
Make October your New Year! Don’t wait until January to start your first quarter. If today were January 1, you might have a lofty list of resolutions. That is not what I am suggesting. I am encouraging you to ask yourself four Whats.
What do you value? Your actions and behavior are motivated by what you value. What you think you value and what your actions show you value may conflict. The more clarity you gain by identifying your values, the more mindful you will be about your choices. The Psychometrics Center at the University of Cambridge offers free assessments. To learn more about Your values, take the Schwartz Portrait Values Questionnaire.
Start from where you are. What is that “something” lingering in the back of your mind? I know it’s there. Be honest with yourself. That interest or inclination that has nagged you, but fear and excuses prevent you from acting on the idea. The, What makes your heart beat faster; it makes you smile.
Act on it. What can you do today to move on it in some way and to bring it to fruition? Even if you only write it down or merely tell someone who will encourage you. Do it.
Ask, What is next? Build your “What is next” list. Keep adding to the list. When or if you catch yourself thinking, “I can’t do…” Stop! Reframe the thought to “What can I do.”
Asking yourself what will help you to move forward; the size of your steps forward does not matter. Sadly, many did not survive the year, but your heart is beating. You are here for a reason and now is Your time to prosper. Let’s get it at it!! What is your next step?
"Impossible is just a word thrown around by small men who find it easier to live in the world they've been given than to explore the power they have to change it. Impossible is not a fact. It's an opinion. Impossible is potential. Impossible is temporary. Impossible is nothing." – Muhammad Ali