6 Homemade Vegan Meal Ideas

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I love to eat! Anyone who says a plant-based lifestyle is boring has not sat at my table to eat. My plates are colorful, very nutritious, and flavorful and spicy. Just look at my 6 Home Vegan Meals Ideas in this post!

People ask me all the time how to transition from a carnivorous lifestyle to a plant-based. So many people give up before they have even given it a chance, but I understand why. As with any goal, if you lack the knowledge and you neglect to plan, you are destined to fail.

If you want to transform your life into a vegan lifestyle successfully, you’ll want to sign up for my new 2021 Change Your Life: Transitioning to A Plant-Based Lifestyle eCourse. Your health matters to me, so I want you to take your conversion slow and methodically.

When people diet and lose weight too fast, the pounds return more quickly than it was loss.

There is no fast way to do this. I made the change in stages, which worked for me, so I will teach you how I did it.

I will hold your hand, and we will advance step-by-step, moving through 17 self-paced modules.  

You will explore what kind of results you hope to gain, learn about vegan labels and differences, doctor visits, health status, fitness and nutrition, community, grocery shopping, food packaging, food labels, meat substitutes, recipes, and more!  


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